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How Solar Energy Works: Unveiling the Power of the Sun

birds eye view solar panels

While becoming increasingly popular, many of us are still left wondering – how does solar energy work?

Keep reading as we dive into the captivating world of solar power and explore the science behind it. Embark on the journey of harnessing sunlight and transforming it into clean, sustainable power.

Harnessing Sunlight

At the heart of solar energy lies the energy source that Arizonans know all too well: the sun. 

how solar works

The Basics of Solar Energy

      1. Sunlight is composed of tiny particles called photons, which carry energy. 

      1. Solar panels, made from semiconductor materials like silicon, capture these photons and set off a process known as the photovoltaic effect.
            1. The photovoltaic (PV) effect is the magic that transforms sunlight into electricity. Upon exposure to sunlight, a PV cell (or a solar cell) generates an electrical current.

        1. As sunlight strikes the panels, electrons within the semiconductor materials become energized and start moving, creating an electric current (or energy).

      Key Components of a Solar Power System

          • Panels: the powerhouses that capture sunlight and convert it into usable electricity

          • Inverters: transform the direct current (DC) generated by the panels into alternating current (AC), otherwise known as the electricity used in your home or business

          • Mounting systems: the structural support that positions the panels in the most optimal direction for maximum sunlight

        solar panel mount

        Types of Solar Systems

        man working on solar panels


        This is the most popular type of solar power system, with over 95% of installations being on-grid since its introduction in 2005. 

        On-grid systems (also known as utility-interactive) connect to the local utility grid. Any solar power generated during the day that goes unused is sent back to the grid, earning you credits toward your APS bill. At night or during cloudy days, you draw power from the grid as usual. This setup allows for a reliable power source even when the sun isn’t shining.

        The biggest advantage to on-grid systems is since power does not need to be stored, it eliminates the need for a battery. In return, this cuts costs as you’re only paying for the extra power you need at night, with all the efficiency and reliability of being connected to the grid. 

        The downside to this is that you’re still left without power during an outage. However, new and emerging technologies such as the SunnyBoy brand inverter have secure power features that operate during outages. While this can sound like a turn-off to solar, it’s important to remember that solar technology is becoming more advanced and sustainable every day. 


        Off-grid systems operate independently of the utility grid. They require larger inverters and battery banks to store excess energy generated during sunny periods. While off-grid systems offer energy independence, they come with higher costs due to battery maintenance and replacements.

        The system is also larger. Because you’re not connected to the grid, it needs to be sizeable enough to power an entire home.

        While it can cost more initially to install, the benefits of energy independence and a future without electric bills offer a favorable return on investment in the long term.


        Combining the best of both worlds, hybrid systems incorporate aspects of both on-grid and off-grid setups. These systems can draw power from the grid when needed, while also having battery backup for times when the grid fails. 

        While more expensive, they offer the advantage of uninterrupted power during outages and top-of-the-line efficiency.

        Benefits of Solar Power

        coins on solar panel

        Environmental Impact

        By harnessing solar energy, reliance on fossil fuels is significantly reduced and in turn, cuts down on harmful greenhouse gas emissions. This shift toward clean energy helps mitigate the impacts of climate change and paves the way for a more sustainable future.

        Financial Savings

        Solar power isn’t just about reducing your carbon footprint; it’s also a smart financial choice with savings rolling in from all angles. Lower electricity bills are a significant perk of solar energy, as excess power generated can earn you credits or be sold back to the grid. Not to mention the rebates and tax incentives that come along with going solar.

        Energy Independence

        Producing your own energy empowers you with a sense of self-sufficiency. Businesses and individuals alike can take charge of their energy needs, reducing dependence on external sources.

        The Future of Solar Power

        Technological Advances

        The future holds exciting possibilities for solar technology. Emerging technologies like perovskite solar cells promise greater efficiency and lower production costs, making solar power even more accessible and reliable.

        Sustainability and Growth

        Solar power is at the forefront of the global transition to cleaner energy sources. As technological advancements continue and awareness about environmental issues grows, solar energy will play an increasingly vital role in shaping a sustainable future.

        Never Go Solar Without a Verde Solar Power Quote

        Solar energy is a transformative force that empowers individuals, businesses, and Arizona as a whole. By harnessing sunlight and converting it into clean, renewable energy, we can pave the way for a greener and more sustainable world for generations to come. 

        If you’re ready to start saving both financially and environmentally, reach out to Verde Solar Power for a free personalized quote. It’s time to embrace the power of the sun and embark on a journey toward a brighter future.